Missed Opportunities for Service Desks: New End User and Practitioner Research

IT/HR practitioners think their end user experiences are better than end users think they are!

And more than that, the survey PeopleReign ran of 1,300 employees on both sides of the service desk shows that general "employee experience" enterprise initiatives are missing the mark when it comes to day-to-day end user interactions.

Download the executive summary for striking data on:

  • What end users vs IT/HR experts think about employee experience
  • Generational differences with service desk satisfaction
  • The most frustrating thing about service desks from both end user and practitioner POVs
  • Ways to improve

Make sure you know how your service desk is really performing: check out this primary research into end user experiences, HR/IT practitioner frustrations, and the state of your organization's employee experience.

2023 Employee Experience Survey Results

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